Wednesday, June 28, 2006

I'm working on a few movies

-The Shredinator
-The Pukinator
-Puke Kong

Synopsi available upon request

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

You've probably already seen this...

it's awesomeness can not be contained.

Saturday, June 17, 2006

People to Punch in the Face

1. The guy that cut me off in the parking lot today. (G)
2. My boss for always assuming I'm wrong in any disagreement with clients.
She backed off of this and actually admitted that the client could have been more clear about her needs. So she'll be spared. This time. (G)
3. Richmond (G)
4. Carbomb wanted to punch somebody/thing last night, but I don't remember what it was (Jimmy)

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

You commies would like this...


Housexor Vacation

So I was thinking that for a reunion this year we could all go on a weekend vacation together. It could be something stupid like going to King's Dominion or something. Get a hotel for at least one night. Shenanigans galore.

Anybody have any better suggestions than King's Dominion?